About Táhirih Preschool, Kakuma Refugee Camp , Kenya
Táhirih Preschool opened in April 2019. With the support of some generous individuals we built and furnished three preschool classrooms, an adult classroom and an administration office. It is managed by refugee Community Based Organisation Faulu Productions.
• Anya’s Room
• Zac’s Room
• Gracie’s Room
• Bo's Room
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Táhirih Preschool currently has 3 classrooms with 6 teachers and 120 children.
We feed our children every day. We buy bulk raw food from the local market and cook it on site.
We have also built a children’s playground and have fresh drinking water on site.
Our preschool is fully enclosed by a high fence and is secure.
Funding - Tahirih costs about AUD$2500 a month to run. This covers salaries for teachers, caretakers, security, cooks and admin staff as well as food for all children. All staff and children are registered refugees.
Resources - we have very few resources in the classrooms. In early 2020 we did a huge collection of children's books and other resources and they were packed in tubs and sent to Kenya in a shipping container. Covid delayed the delivery significantly and it is now due towards the end of May.
Support, Mentoring & Training - Our teachers currently receive no support. Each teacher is qualified.